It’s been about 6 months since my last post. Things have been pretty crazy since the start of 2021. While the beginning of this pandemic allowed (or forced) everyone to slow down, settle down, and stay home, as the health crisis dragged on and on, people had to adjust to the new normal. People had to get back to work however they could. Students had to get back to school, albeit online. And people began living their lives in this new world while governments and health experts worked overtime and in overdrive to roll out a vaccination program that everyone hoped would allow us to get back to our pre-pandemic lives.
One hidden blessing that has come out of this health crisis is the amount of time I have been able to spend with my girls. While I am fortunate that my work has always allowed me to be very present in their lives, being “quarantined” and “locked down” has given me even more time with them, more time than I otherwise would have had if these were normal times. And one thing that I have to constantly remind myself is that my babies are getting older. You know how you generally don’t see the changes in the people you are closest with just because you see them everyday? It’s like that with my daughters. I oftentimes forget how much they’ve grown and only realize it when I see old pictures of them and think to myself, “What?! That was only 3 years ago? How did they get so big?”
Time stops for no one, and even in the face of Covid-19, life continues. The company I am involved with now is preparing to formally launch is a few weeks’ time and so obviously I am preoccupied with those preparations. My girls just finished their school year, but before their summer break, we were busy with lesson and exam reviews, performance tasks, and online seminars. My wife and I are now enrolled in a “middle childhood parenting class” to try to prepare ourselves for new situations and challenges as our eldest nears this new stage of adolescence. Time keeps going. My daughters keep growing.