Through The Eyes of a Child

One of the worst things about growing up is the loss of wonder, which is replaced by cynicism and a jaded outlook on life. We lose the ability to see the miracle in everyday things as we go about our busy lives, doing our “important things”, refusing to be fascinated by anything we deem too “ordinary” or “everyday”.

Last weekend we took our daughters to the beach. While my wife and I enjoy these trips outside of the city, our enjoyment stems primarily from the relaxation we get during these little excursions. For our daughters though, these trips can be magical. Every coral I pulled out of the ocean was met with wide-eyed glee (“that one looks like a castle, Daddy!”), every rock I placed on their makeshift doll-house was met with oohs-and-aahs (“that’s a big one Daddy!”), and every shell was treated like a treasure (“just like Ariel’s, Daddy!). Seeing their joyful reactions to things that I generally tried to avoid coz they hurt when stepped on just reminded me again how children can teach us so much about recognizing the miracle that our world actually is.

They say play is a child’s work. Keep working girls!

So as I go back to my regular schedule, and once again overlook and take for granted all the beauty that is around me, I will look forward to our next excursion when my daughters can open my eyes again to the wonder of God’s creation.

Oh, and how about when low-tide set in? Well, of course that’s when the giant in the ocean got thirsty and decided to take a humongous sip out of it, and that’s why the ocean wasn’t as deep anymore!